2022.07.10 | How to Leave a Godly Legacy

Today we celebrate our 27th year of being an Open and Affirming Church. Open and Affirming is the way many in the United Church of Christ (UCC) declare welcome and inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT), same gender loving (SGL) persons into the full life and ministry of the church.

We are pleased to announce that The Rev. Sophia Hayes-Jackson will join us for our Open and Affirming Anniversary worship. Sophia is founder of Phoenix Outreach, a Recovery and Re-entry program designed to assist those most impacted by incarceration who are seeking change and transformation.

As a formerly incarcerated and substance involved individual, Sophia realized that there was a void in the work of the church regarding how the Church at large was responding to the blight that the Prison Industrial Complex is having on Black and Brown men, women, and youth; while on her journey in answering God’s call to ministry, she found that prison ministry was more than just a “call”, it was/is a passion.

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