2022.12.25 | Sentinels for Joy

“Sentinels for Joy”

 Isaiah 52:7-10 | Español

Rev. Pepper Swanson

Eden United Church of Christ

Christmas Day

Dec 25, 2022

Today’s scripture reading, like much of Isaiah, is a poem and it tells its own story, a story that time and Christians have woven intricately into our Christmas story.  As a homage to Isaiah, and in search of my own way of understanding both Isaiah’s strong and vibrant fibers and the finished textile that is Christmas today, I offer you this poem:


A people in captivity,

their ruined city,

a glorious temple destroyed

all its beauty, all its sacred symbols,

carted away with its wealth.

Their God,

Missing in action, they hear

abandoning, punishing 

his children,

and their children, 

and their children’s children.


For forging alliances with nations,

for waging war

for hypocritical worship,

for neglect of the needy,

for broken promises, broken covenants.

Good News

Arrives at last for those

In a dismal state of disbelief,

into generations of desolation in Babylon

Into the subsistence survival 

That is life in Jerusalem

Isaiah says: 

 “How beautiful the feet 

of the messenger who runs

to us and announces:

peace and salvation; 

your God reigns.

Our God? 

They must wonder and ask:

Not dead? Not missing?

Not punishing? To us, slaves still

demolished still, our God returns 

And now to reign? Redeem? Restore?

The Message:

Yes, God returns to them

to save them from themselves, their disbelief, 

their terminal discouragement

to re-establish his role

In their land, in their hearts


scan their horizon and see

There, there in plain sight

Their God returns

They lift up their voices, 

and sing for joy

Call out

Call out to the captive people

Call out to the ruined city

God has comforted his people

God has redeemed Jerusalem

God has returned to reign


Millenia have passed, one, two,

Almost three since the ancient prophet

Built this bridge of faithful stone

To bring his people back

Across time and space to God.

And we

Wonder if there are steps for us?

Is there a handrail for us?

Is there a handhold for a post-modern people?

In this timeless story of

Sheer and utter joy.

2023 (almost),

In prosperous America, 

In trendy California,

In hometown Hayward, 

Can we know?

Do we need this kind of joy?


This scripture like a coat

And pull it on

You may find it fits many, you, us

Uncomfortably for sure

But fits nonetheless.


Life captures us by circumstance,

Responsibilities becomes burdens

Work is a necessity

Housing is too expensive

Mistakes are made

Dependencies are forged


Radical change creates a sense of loss

Pandemics alter our landscape

Divorce alters our happy families

Death rearranges our emotions

Disasters destroy what a lifetime of work has built


Ancient Israel never cornered the market

on captivity and ruins

Life, wherever we are, presents us 

with a myriad of ways

To relate to their captivity and ruins.


The tricky part, the trickiest part

of getting a handhold on Isaiah’s bridge

Is how we will imagine, visualize,

actualize the Good News

The arrival of God Into our captivity, into our ruins


offers us one gift, one great tool

For this work of imagination:

Emmanuel, Jesus

Word of God


A baby 

Destined to reveal:

wealth and power

Must take a backseat

To the poor and powerless

And building a commonwealth

A baby 

Destined to reveal:

Love and forgiveness as

God’s divine purpose

For each who believe and

For all as a practice of faith.

A baby 

Destined to reveal

Salvation grows 

During life and death

From small acts of faith,

Love of neighbor,

Kindness and service

Each year,

each Christmas we are gifted with

Many messengers, many messages

God’s presence — here and now

God’s love  — here and now

God’s comfort and joy — here and now


Watchers we who hear and see

This message of an infant God’s return

For us, one task remains:

Sentinel, lift up your voice

Sing for joy!


It isn’t easy to be a sentinel for God or joy.

It seems like a big job,

Too big for a short winter day

Too big for someone with doubts

Too big for someone short on time or money or energy.


You can sing or talk or act out the good news

To yourself, first and foremost

Then to your family & friends

Then to your neighbors

Then to your community.


Your song is your song

Your song of joy is unique

No song of joy is too personal or trivial

No song of joy is too quiet or too loud

No song of joy is not good enough

So sing

Cup your hands and catch the flow

Let joy spill over and out to others

Let music vibrate from your nose to your toes,

Every note, every word, every action

Will land in the ears and on the hearts

Of those who need joy the most.


Into every life a little captivity and ruin appears

It sometimes seems like God has abandoned us 

Christmas is a messenger with the beautiful feet,

It runs up and announces:

God lives and lives for us.


From God:  all the images we need 

God is a presence, a person, a promise, 

a covenant of love, forgiveness, faith, and service.

To God:  We sing of joy with joy for joy

We bring good news, we announce salvation

We say:  Our God reigns today.


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